#Saul 'Dad Joke' Silva
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jenni3penny · 2 years ago
** If Farah can tell when Saul's had a nightmare, then...
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theyhaveacavetroll · 2 years ago
Sky gets fed up of his dads being idiots and tells them to kiss. They'd never kissed before
"You know your dads are in love, right?" Riven says one day, and Sky immediately scoffs.
"You're out of your fucking mind, Riv, they hate each other," he says, but a week later, he's starting to think that Riven might just be startlingly sane.
He's never paid that much attention to the way that his two father figures interact before. Saul stabbed Andreas. Andreas burned their house down and had Saul arrested, and ever since Saul's pardon, the two have been sharing Specialist instruction time grudgingly. Reluctantly. The mutual animosity is hard to miss, and yet -
"Are you watching your dads again?" Bloom asks.
"Yes!" Sky answers, and Bloom rolls her eyes.
"Just talk to them," she insists, and Sky snorts.
"Because that's what you did last time you thought Ms Dowling was keeping a secret," he answers, and Bloom grimaces.
"Yeah, so I know what I'm talking about," she counters. "Remember how that turned out?"
It's Sky's turn to grimace this time.
"How's she doing?" he asks.
"She still can't stand the smell of dirt," she answers. "I think it's upsetting Professor Harvey." They sit in silence for a minute, and then Bloom shrugs off the somber mood. She gestures toward Sky's parents and asks, "So what brilliant observations have you made today?"
Sky scowls.
"Very funny, Bloom," he answers. He gets up from his spot. "I have class, see you later."
It's all very well and good for Bloom to joke, he thinks, but the fact is that Riven wasn't wrong about Saul and Andreas. There is something going on there, something that's a lot less than hatred. It's in the way that Andreas watches Saul's arse appreciatively when he leaves the room, and in the way that they go out of their way to keep distance between them and in the fond smile he's caught Saul wearing when Andreas says something funny. It's the way they fall back into teasing when they're not careful, and the way they fight like extensions of each other on the rare occasions when they demonstrate fighting in teams.
Most of all though, it's the pining. It's taken Sky a while to see it, but now that he's noticed, he can't unsee it. His two fathers follow each other with their eyes constantly and, infuriatingly, neither of them seems to have noticed.
It can't stand. More to the point, he can't stand it, because in the meantime, both men seem to be determined to destroy themselves or others.
Something is going to have to be done. That's all there is to it, but Sky can't for the life of him think what that something should be - not, at least, until two weeks later.
It's amazing, Saul thinks, how much muscle tone he's managed to lose in prison.
He's been home, or at least as close as he can get with a burnt out shell for a house, for three months now. His hands have mostly stopped shaking and the injuries he'd taken have healed nicely but he still can't seem, no matter how hard he tries, to get the timing quite right on the last counterstroke in the sequence he's practicing. He's sweating, hands gripping the sword's hilt and the simulated Burned One he's fighting is snarling and he still - can't - get it - right -!
"Headmaster Silva! Headmaster Silva, please, come quickly, Sky and Andreas are fighting!"
Saul lunges forward because there is no universe where he can leave even a simulated Burned One still roaring behind him. The Burned One lunges forward as well, and the sword goes cleanly through the simulation's cinder heart with an all too realistic crunch and a crackle. He pulls the weapon out, panting from exertion, and the illusion dissipates. The roaring and snarling stop.
The fight is over. Saul turns. The student behind him squeaks in surprise, and he lowers the sword.
"Fighting fighting or just arguing?" he asks.
"Arguing, but they're on the training grounds and -"
"And they've both started gesturing with swords," Saul fills in. He sheathes his sword hurriedly. "Take me there," he orders.
It takes him two minutes to be able to hear the shouting.
"-don't care what you want, this is meant to be training, not a blood sport!" Sky is saying. "I don't know what your fucking problem is -"
"Language and attitude!" Andreas warns, voice rising, and then Saul arrives and strides toward them.
At least Andreas has learnt something from him, he thinks as he gets closer. He is not swearing, at least. Still -
"That's enough, break it up!" Saul snaps, and both Sky and Andreas look toward him wearing identical expressions of surprise. "You, you're a teacher, act like one!" Saul barks at Andreas. "You! Language and attitude!" This goes to Sky, who scowls.
"There've been five injuries on this field alone this week!" Sky snaps. "We're tired, half-concussed in Dane's case -"
"And you'll be considerably worse in a real battle if I don't push you now!" Andreas snaps. "You want to be concussed now, or dead later?"
"How about not concussed now or dead later?" Saul interrupts. "Sky, your father's got a point, and Andreas, you can put the fear of God into the students without sending half of them to the infirmary."
"The rest of you are dismissed," Andreas says, turning to the watching students, and for once, Saul agrees with him.
"Go on," he echoes, and the specialists do as they're told and turn away, satisfied that there will be no fight to the death here today. Saul watches them go and then turns back to Andreas and Sky.
"It'd be nice if you could bring your disputes to me personally instead of having a first-year tell me you're about to kill each other," he scolds privately. Sky scoffs.
"We wouldn't have to argue at all if you weren't off training yourself into an early grave," he points out. "You're sulking, and he's -" He gestures to Andreas, exasperation clear in his tone.
"I'm what?" Andreas challenges, and Sky rolls his eyes.
"Horny and frustrated and in love with this idiot," he diagnoses. "Honestly, you're a pair of fucking idiots and you should just kiss and get it out of your systems."
Wait, Saul thinks. What?! He looks to Andreas, who looks back at him with a similar stunned expression.
Sky shakes his head.
"You really didn't know," he marvels. "Unbelievable." Without another word, he turns and walks away without waiting to be dismissed, and Saul still feels as though someone has just told him that Farah had run off to join a commune with Rosalind. And Luna. In the Human World. In fact, he thinks, that might be less shocking than the revelation that his son thinks he's in love with Andreas.
He turns back to Andreas, who looks similarly poleaxed.
"It's absurd -" Andreas starts. "Impossible-"
"Completely out of line -" Saul says at the same time, and they stutter to a stop at the same time, looking at each other.
"You didn't say it was ridiculous," Andreas points out, and Saul has to take a second to absorb that statement.
"I -" he starts, and stops, because why, exactly, is that the case? "I've been - distracted lately," he admits, and Andreas nods.
"Distracted," he agrees.
"Tetchy," Saul continues.
Andreas nods again.
"What with work, and removing Rosalind -" he offers.
"And with the new training regimen -"
"You've barely been here."
"You've been in a mood, I didn't want -" Saul starts, and then stops again, and this time he stares at Andreas in utter bafflement. "He's right, isn't he?" he asks, and Andreas gives him a look that couldn't possibly be more miserable if he tried.
"You have a nice arse," he admits, and things finally click into place.
He's in love with Andreas of Eraklyon. He's been in love for fuck knows how long, and unless he misses his guess, the feeling is mutual.
Sky is right and Saul is a fucking idiot. Certified, indisputable, plain for anyone to see, and he's going to stop being stupid right now.
"He said you're in love with me," Saul presses. He moves closer to Andreas, who - backs away for the first time in his life.
"He's eighteen -"
"He's very perceptive for eighteen," Saul counters and takes another step forward.
"It's absurd," Andreas protests again, weakly this time.
"How long have you been staring at my arse?"
"It's a very nice arse," Andreas repeats, voice strangled now, and stops backing away. He looks away, embarrassed, and Saul stops advancing.
"Andreas?" he asks, and his friend - the man he's in love with, the man with the loveliest eyes in the world - looks back to him.
"We're too old for this nonsense," he protests just above a whisper, and Saul nods.
"Couldn't agree more," he replies. "Come over here and kiss me."
Andreas hesitates. He takes a step forward and then -
"The students," he says. Saul shakes his head.
"The students can shut up and mind their own business if they know what's good for them," he insists, and then Andreas surges across the field, takes Saul's face between both hands, and kisses him.
The kiss is gentle. Andreas's lips touch his, and their noses bump, and then they're opening their mouths, letting each other in. Andreas tastes like whiskey and whatever he had for breakfast, and his hands are rough against Saul's face, his beard scratching exactly right as he deepens the kiss. Saul arches forward, forehead resting against Andreas's, and he moans just a little. Andreas does the same, and Saul lets his hands rise, clutching at Andreas's arms, holding himself up when his knees threaten to give out from the sheer relief of what he's doing.
"Saul," Andreas moans, and Saul can't help the small whimper that escapes him.
"Andy," he breathes, and he can feel the moment that Andreas's breath hitches because his partner's shoulders start to shake, shortly followed by the rest of him. They pull away from the kiss and then Saul gathers Andreas close to him, holding on for dear life. He's crying too, he realizes; tears are running down his cheeks, and he's clutching at Andreas like the world might try to tear him away again at any moment.
"I love you," Andreas gasps, and it's Saul who initiates the kiss this time, harder and more demanding and with entirely more bite to it.
"I love you too," he whispers fiercely. "I love you, Andreas of Eraklyon, and we're both fucking stupid and our son deserves a medal."
"At least an increase in pocket money," Andreas agrees, and for the first time since everything - for the first time since Aster Dell, it feels like - Saul laughs at Andreas's joke, and Andreas beams at him, teary-eyed but delighted for the first time in twenty years. It's like seeing the sun come out after a long, rainy day.
"Come here," Saul orders, and reaches for Andreas again.
"I told you it would work," Beatrix hisses, and Sky rolls his eyes.
"I nearly got my head torn off," he retorts.
"Still," Riven whispers. "Least they're talking now."
Several hundred yards away, Saul and Andreas lean forward again, and all three teenagers grimace.
"Ew," Beatrix whispers. "Can we go now?"
"I think you'd better before they catch you," Farah says dryly from behind them, and all three turn.
"Hi, Ms. Dowling -"
"Aunt Farah, I can explain -"
"Oh f- I mean hi -" Riven stutters, and Farah laughs.
"Well done, all of you," she says, and waves a hand. "Go. And no gossiping!"
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atlas-of-a-human-soul · 4 years ago
Hey, is request is open, could i request a Saul x student!reader where they’re soulmates? The reader is obvs of age.
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Pairing: Saul Silva x fairy!reader
Saul couldn’t wrap his head around it. After spending his whole life trying to find his fairy, he never once expected it would be a twenty one year old student at Alfea. 
“Can you stop pacing?” Y/N sighs, tired of his ability to walk around her in circles. “It’s making me dizzy”, she complains and he finally stops, glancing at her before shaking his head.
“Seriously?!” She raises her voice, her eyebrows narrowed at his frustrated eye roll, “Why are you even freaking out?”
“You’re twenty one”, Saul chuckles in disbelief, his hands on his hips. “I’m...I could be your father!”
Crossing her arms, she leans back on a wall, “Maybe a hot uncle, but not my dad.” Snickering at the way he rubs his temples, Y/N takes a few cautious steps toward Saul. “You’re eleven years older than me. It’s not that scandalous.”
His eyes flicker to hers, the uncertainty in them spiking worry in hers. 
“Are you going to ignore this or are you willing to embrace the connection we share?” Y/N’s face is void of any traces of her usual smile, no more jokes dancing along her lips. Her eyes are hard, focused on Saul’s worry lines forming on his forehead as he contemplates her question. 
Silence fills the room, their heavy breaths are the only proof a life.
“You stand there as if your fear is nothing, as if you didn't just walk a thousand miles to hold my hand, just in case I needed you.” Saul’s voice makes Y/N’s breath halt in her throat, afraid if she breathes too loudly she might miss a word he speaks. After all, he did run when he realized they’re a perfect match and she did spend days looking for him and now that they’re in the same room, she didn’t plan on leaving until she had her answers. 
“I did need you.” Saul’s heavy sigh falls on her heart like a weight she’ll have to carry because what burdens him also weighs on her. She doesn’t know him that well, but she shares his worries as if they’ve spent their whole lives together. 
“I simply had no idea that I did. So, if I'm at a loss for words, I'm processing the enormity of your heart and soul, of how lucky I am to have met you.” Managing a small smile, Saul’s face lights up as he notices relief pass through her features. 
“Don’t run from me, Saul”, she’s talking but Saul feels like she’s ordering him to stay; to stay and be with her. “It’s a surprise for us both, but I don’t know if I’ll be alright without you. If you’re not with me, I won’t be stronger.” She crosses the distance between them, determined as her hand slips into his. “Without you, I’ll be weak and I hate weakness, so don’t run from me.”
Licking his lips, he nods. It’s taking everything in him to stay, to ignore the voices in his head telling him how wrong it is to be with a girl younger than he is. He never expected he’d become the kind of a man he used to mock, but she’s extraordinary and she’s the match that lights a fire inside his heart that had long been extinguished. 
“I’m glad you’re not my student”, Saul’s breathless chuckle makes her roll her eyes as she cups his cheek with her free hand.
“But I am still a student at the school you work for. Will the headmistress be alright with us?” Gnawing on her bottom lip, doe eyed and trembling, Y/N truly felt like a twenty one year old fairy. 
She’d not admit it yet, but she was happy to know her specialist is as strong and admirable as Saul Silva. A part of her worried it would be someone incapable of wielding a sword, but Saul could protect her even if she couldn’t fight. But she can fight. She has a lot of fight in her and the fire her ancestors sparked in her will surely help her protect him just as well.
“Farah will understand”, Saul’s arms reluctantly clasp around her, holding her closer. He worried if his heart was loud enough that Y/N could hear every single beat through his chest. 
“Would it be too much to ask you to kiss me?” Y/N raised an eyebrow, suppressing a laugh as Saul exhaled loudly. 
“You kiss me”, he dares her, raising an eyebrow as well. “Show me what you have, fairy.”
Pursing her lips, Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck. Her left hand had lingered at the back of his head until it forcefully pulled him down at the same time as she stood on her tiptoes. It wasn’t as helpful as her lips merely brushed Saul’s, but he smiled against her lips and her legs nearly gave out.
Holding her up, Saul leaned down, his nose brushing hers as he closed his eyes. “I suppose we’ll be taking baby steps then”, he chuckles, fighting temptation to bring her lips against his in a passionate, bruising kiss. He’d rather wait a little longer, let anticipation build.
“Why”, she whispers, annoyed even more when he sets her down on a chair.
“Because I’m older and I prefer not to skip on any steps. We’ll date first and”, Saul inhales sharply, “i’ll train you. Being a fairy soulmate to a high ranking specialist means more danger than you’d usually face. I’ll train you and once that is over, only then can we consider”, he licks his lips, “a kiss”, Saul smirks as she rolls her eyes once he finishes his original thought..
Stepping back, he winks at her, “Patience, my fire fairy.”
Tags: @organabanks @kingunder221b
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Silva Lining (Saul Silva x Reader)
Warnings: None 
Word count: 1.4k
Prompt : So this just came to me after wanting so many Winx fics, Y/N is found in the woods by Silva, she’s a changeling like Bloom but she has multiple powers, he takes her back to Alfea where she will start her journey with the other students, however the time spent with Silva leads them to get attached to each other etc...... it’s gonna be a series.
He had found you in the woods, crying, alone, next to a Burned one. A dead Burned one. That’s how your story started. Alfea was next on the list. 
When Silva had found you, you were a runaway, no family left, no place to call home, a human… well he thought. Until you told him your “Magic powers” killed someone. The someone, being the Burned one. The powers, meaning you were a fairy who had been brought up in the mortal realm just like Bloom, but obviously you didn’t know that. To you, fairies were things of myths and legends, little girls bedtime stories. 
That was a couple of months ago, just before school had started. After Silva had taken you to headmistress Dowling, she was shocked to learn there was another Changeling on earth, learning about your background, no family, no where to go, she offered you a place at the prestigious school for Fairies and you agreed, wanting to know how to use your abilities and more about where you came from. Part of you knew that even if you had said no, Farah wouldn’t have let you leave, having multiple powers wasn’t usual, at least it hadn’t been heard of in hundreds of years, she basically said she’d keep an eye on you. 
Luckily for you, you got to grips with the place before all of the other students filtered back in for the new school year. You’d been put into a room that you would eventually share with 5 other girls, apparently one of them was a princess? You’d think being there before everyone else would be a little boring, but it wasn’t, you had Silva. 
Since he found you that day in the woods you’d become pretty close, actually, really close. You confided in him when ever you needed someone to talk to and he even started giving you lessons on how to fight, hand to hand combat was never something a fairy needed to do, that’s what your powers were for, but he had promised that it wouldn’t hurt to learn a few nifty tricks. Between training with him, you’d also met Tara, one of the girls you’d be sharing a room with. She’d arrived early with her brother and dad. Her dad being one of the professors at the school. You got on like a house on fire, she quickly became your friend much to Silva’s annoyance, it meant that you spent less time with him, but he didn’t let you know that.
Tara knew everything there was to know about you. Where you’d been raised, about your past non-existent family life, the day you realised you had powers, multiple powers, and then the day Silva found your crying over a mound of burned flesh. You told her about the time you’d been spending with Silva, the lessons he’d been giving you, and it didn’t take her long to figure out just how much you liked him. She was all for it, even though there was a huge age gap. “The heart wants what it want’s, and to be honest, I think he likes you back.” That’s all she had to say on the matter. Did he? Did he like you back that way? 
It was the day before everyone was due to arrive at the school. To say you were nervous was an understatement. You’d heard that there would be another girl from earth arriving too, so at least you weren’t the only one people would look at like a freak. You’d been having lessons with Headmistress Dowling, she was helping you practise and explore all of the abilities you had before you were thrust into classes, hopefully that would help you seem a little more ‘Normal.’
Also, you now knew Sky. Silva had introduced you one day when you were having your lesson with him. He was practically his son, which… was a little weird considering Sky was the same age as you, but it didn’t matter in the long run. You hadn’t known Sky long, but you knew that you would get on just like you did with Tara.
It kind of bummed you out that today would be the last day you’d get to train with Silva. He’d have to go back to being the strict soldier of a man he was, a teacher… your teacher.. long gone would be the carefree happy man you joked and messed around with openly when no one was around. It didn’t surprise you when you saw him angrily hacking away at a wooden dummy with his sword as you approached the outdoor training area. You frowned, maybe he was feeling as bummed out as you were. Or maybe you were deluded and his anger had nothing to do with you and the fact that you’d both have to stop spending as much personal time together.
“Oi, what did that dummy ever do to you hu?” You laughed as you sauntered over to the make shift arena. He looked up, his forehead beading with sweat, smiling at you as you approached. It was a smile that didn’t reach his eyes like it usually did when you greeted him. Yup something is defiantly wrong. 
“Saul, what’s wrong.” He sighed and put down his weapon, leaning it against the now lop-sided dummy. He came over to you, putting his hands on your arms in a comforting way, something he did often. He liked to be close, touchy feely, it relaxed him. 
“Well for one darling, you’re going to have to get used to calling me Mr Silva and not by my first name, and two, I’m annoyed that things will have to change when tomorrow comes. You won’t be around as much, i’ll be training the future of the army…” His thoughts wondered off, his hands still lingering at your sides. It confused you a little, you knew that you were miffed, but it was unusual for Saul to show his emotions so openly. Maybe you hadn’t realised how much he liked spending time with you. It gave you butterflies. In his daze, you moved his arms so they were more at your side, then moved in wrapping your arms around him in a hug. Your cheek pressed firmly against his chest. For a minute he was still, then he leant into it, his large arms coming around you and his chin resting on the top of your head. “Y/N, you know this is wrong right? If you feel anything like how I feel then it’s wrong.” He sighed and hugged you tighter. That confirmed it, he DID like you as much as you liked him. But to you it wasn’t wrong, and you knew he didn’t actually feel that way either. It was just wrong by societies standards. You didn’t care. 
“No one has to know Saul, it’s no one else’s business okay?” He looked down at you sadly. You didn’t like the way he looked at you. You had a feeling, you knew what was coming next.
“Y/N, we can’t be together. Not while you’re a student and i’m a teacher. It goes against so many rules here..” Tears were pooling in your eyes, before they could drop, you felt Silva’s soft rosey lips collect them, kissing your face tenderly. “Please don’t cry darling, you know how I feel about you, but it can’t work, it won’t work…. by the end of the week, you’ll think of me as nothing less than just another one of your teachers.” This couldn’t be how the two months of you being with each other every single day ended, finally letting each other know how you feel and ending up with this outcome. It wasn’t fair. Life wasn’t fair. You wouldn’t stand there and beg though. One thing Silva had taught you was how to be stronger, since being found that day in the woods to now, you’d grown immensely, you weren’t as weak as you used to be. 
“Fine, whatever you want Saul. But you also know how I feel about you and it isn’t going to change.” With all the confidence you could muster, you stood on your tip toes and looked him in the eyes, his grip on your waist tightened and you leant in, lightly taking the back of his head, your fingers dancing softly at the nape of his neck, and you kissed him with everything you had in you. They say when you meet your soulmate, you’ll see sparks fly, fireworks erupt, feel like you were floating. You didn’t have any of those. You had all of them and then some, when you opened your eyes you knew he’d felt it too. 
But that’s where you left him, standing with his mouth slightly slack, staring at your retreating figure, the sky opened up, only to start crying with you. 
Please let me know what you think, as per usual if you want to be tagged let me knowwww in the comments. Please please reblog and like, follow etc.... I plan on making this into a series, because I love like magical, powers, forbidden love kinda shizzzzz <3 
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imkylotrash · 4 years ago
Black And White (3)
Pairing: Saul Silva x reader
Summary: Saul returns injured and you offer your expertise on medic herbs as a way to stay close to him. You share stolen moments when no one’s looking. 
Series Masterlist
Tagging: @grey-girl​ @intoanothermind​ @anreeixcobra​ @kingunder221b​ @lflores2008​ @alexiapayne12​ @quuenofblacks​ @quarterback-5​ @estelmei @bitchwhytho​ @music-of-melody​
A/N I’ve changed some of the events to make it fit my plot. I’m aware this is​n’t how the series is but I want to make this my own 💛
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It takes three days for someone to find him and by then you’re not sure how long he’s been injured. You hardly register the group of girls who found him. All you can think of is getting him inside and make sure he’s alright. 
“What happened?” you demand to know not caring who might find out right now. He’s barely conscious except for the little outbursts of pain. 
“Burned One,” Dowling says beckoning you to follow them. 
“Ben will need all the help he can get and you’re the best assistant he’s ever had,” she says never taking her eyes off of Saul. You have to try your hardest not to reach up and touch the ring hidden under your shirt. Seeing Dowling made you realise that you have to stay neutral even if you’re slowly cracking on the inside. 
“Of course. Anything I can do to help,” you reply. Saul is put down on the table in the greenhouse. Dowling sends everyone out and turns to you. 
“I’ll need to talk to the girls but Ben will be here any minute. I trust you can look after him until then?” You nod afraid if you try to speak, you’ll burst into tears. You have no idea when you turned into this sobbing mess that couldn’t keep their head cold in these kinds of situations but Saul had made you a promise and you intended to hold him to it. 
“You promised you’d come back for the ring. Being alive was part of that deal,” you whisper once you’re certain Dowling has left the room. He gives a slight groan in reply letting you know that he’s too far gone right now to hear a word you say. Instead you gather the ingredients for the potion that’ll keep the infection from spreading. You know there’s only one way to heal his wounds but you’re going to make sure there’s enough time for the Burned One to be found. You wouldn’t be any good out there right now, you’d be too distracted but here in the greenhouse you can keep yourself occupied and be of help.
“I’m telling you right now if you die before they find the Burned One, I will personally kill you.” 
“Perfect, you’ve started.” Harvey comes in the door making you jump ever so slightly. He doesn’t seem to have heard what you said and you’re not about to ask him. Although everything inside of you is telling you to fall apart and cry until there’s no tears left, you force yourself to keep going. It won’t do you any good to fall apart right now. The ring feels heavy on your chest acting as a constant reminder that he’s going to make it. This won’t be like your dad. 
“Saul!” Sky runs straight in and grabs Saul’s hand. In that moment, you feel incredibly jealous of how Sky can so openly show his affection towards Saul when you have to hide it deep inside of your heart and you hate yourself for it. Saul has been like Sky’s father and you’ve only been with Saul for a few weeks now. 
“Is he going to be okay?” He looks to you for answers and you force your feet to remain where they are rather than run as fast as you can away from this situation. 
“We’ll do our best to keep the infection from spreading and then Dowling will send out a team of specialists to hunt down the Burned One,” you say very matter-of-factly in an attempt to keep any emotion out of your voice. 
“I asked if he would be okay?” Sky repeats not letting it go. He needs you to tell him that Saul is going to be just fine and you would love to tell him that, but you can’t help but to think of your father. He said he’d be fine only to die hours later. You never even saw his body. 
No. You shake your head to rid your mind of those kind of intrusive thoughts. You can’t think like that. 
“He’s going to be fine.” You try to convince Sky as well as yourself. The salve almost resembles honey once Harvey has it ready. The effect is instant giving Saul a peaceful look on his face. 
“You should get some sleep. We’ll take care of him,” you say placing your hand on Sky’s shoulder. He looks like he hasn’t slept in days and you imagine you don’t look much better. How has it only been three hours since they returned with Saul in tow?
“Y/N’s right. You can see him tomorrow,” Harvey agrees sending Sky off, “you should get some rest too.” You clutch your hand and release it again to calm yourself. He doesn’t know any better. 
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to stay and observe. I’ve never used this balm to help stop the infection before.” Of course Harvey can’t resist letting you have a teaching moment so he agrees. 
“Would you mind terribly if I got some sleep then? I have no doubt you know what to do,” he says proudly and you smile a little feeling torn between thinking that there are more important things to care about than your abilities in the greenhouse and a sense of accomplishment. You’d worked hard to obtain all the knowledge you had especially being a specialist rather than an Earth fairy. They seemed to have more of a natural instinct when it came to this kind of thing. 
“Of course not, Harvey. I’ll call up if I need any help,” you reply feeling your heart pull your body towards Saul. You needed a moment to grief on your own if you were going to be able to pull this off. Once Harvey is gone, you turn to Saul who finally appears to be sleeping.
“Please don’t leave me,” you whisper holding his hand. You grab a chair and sit down next to the table he’s lying on and try to make yourself comfortable. How were you just a couple of days ago lying in bed with him all cuddled up and now he’s fighting for his life? You hardly notice the first rays of sun shining through the windows of the greenhouse but you do notice Saul opening his eyes. 
“Hi baby,” you say tearing up. 
“I told you I was coming back for you,” he whispers with a smile making you laugh. You lean in to give him a kiss. It’s obvious that he wants more than just a kiss but you can’t even think about that when he’s injured. He may feel fine right now but if the infection gets a hold of him? You shutter at the mere thought. 
“You’re not getting your ring back until you get better. It doesn’t count coming back mauled by a Burned One,” you tease him but it’s a horrible joke and most of all you just feel like crying again. 
“Deal. Because I already feel much better,” he says. You grab some fresh bandage and more of the balm to check on the wounds but the sight makes you drop everything you’re holding. 
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